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Houdini procedural environment

Project brief:

This project focuses on the pipeline of digital environments using procedural methods which must feature an ancient castle in the background and a greenscreen character in the foreground. All the procedural elements were done in Houdini and compositing after in NukeX.  We used a mixture of 3D elements and 2.5D projection in Nuke to cut down on unnecessary render times while still obtaining the detail of the 3D object.

Here is the final result:


For my scene I chose to create a landscape on the beach with a rugged and noise heavy coastline. My first idea involved creating a dark and moody atmosphere which had a castle in the distance and my character standing on the edge of a cliff, I wanted to show that the environment was stormy and cold. The location that mostly caught my interest was a beach with a rocky coastline and a calm shore, showing the slow erosion of the land. When collecting reference, I was looking for different elements that I liked and that I could combine to make my digital matte paint.


This is my digital matte painting:


Using VDBs to a box to get an interesting base shape then layering noise to get all the detail and roughness that were accurate to my references

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Mask by feature was used more effectively when it came to texturing, randomly spreading moss across the rock worked well and I was able to layer my textures efficiently.

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The castle and bridge were done in a similar way where I scattered bricks all over a model of a bridge or castle and changed the the way the normal were facing to make it flow around the objects. To create the broken off areas I used booleans to remove sections using a procedural rock to give it more of a natural feel

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To scatter rocks along the sand I used an RBD sim to make them fall in a realistic way, then freezing the frame and caching out  the result.

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